Montgomery County Memorial Hospital
Montgomery County uses m.Care to power "HIP" – its Health Improvement Program
Red Oak, IA
Founded 1907
Progressive Solutions to Rural Healthcare
Using Technology to Advance A Traditionally Difficult-To-Serve Aging Rural Population
Montgomery County, in rural southwest Iowa, has consistently ranked at the bottom of the state’s health rankings with notably high incidences of diabetes, obesity and hypertension.
In 2017 Montgomery County Memorial Hospital made a commitment to improve the health of our community by launching “HIP”, the Health Improvement Program. The technology behind this program is m.Care. The m.Care platform allows us to individualize the program and not only improve the health of our chronically ill participants, but also assist those with rising health risks to manage and decrease those risks; and assist generally “healthy” folks to maintain that level.
“The m.Care platform allows our community hospital to provide in-home monitoring of our chronically ill patients, and it allows our doctors, nurses, dieticians, and population health providers to provide health care and preventative health services in every rural community we serve!” said David Abercrombie, Chief Executive Officer.
Our program uses the m.Care platform and customizes it to each individual. This may include biometric monitoring, activity and diet tracking, education and ongoing coaching and support. The program enables us to provide to the practitioners, a view of the participant’s condition over time, rather than the snap shot they see in the clinic setting.

Biometric Monitoring and m.Care
Through biometric monitoring and the m.Care platform, we understand that technology is an instrument in engaging the patient in self-care. It is about helping people see how lifestyle choices impact their health. Many individuals don’t understand how much power they can have over their health and chronic illness. The Health Improvement Program gives patients more of that power, while improving the health of our surrounding communities.
Improving Rural Healthcare Through Technology
m.Care powers connectivity for rural patients and Montgomery County Memorial Hospital, empowering the care team, and providing more independence and quality of life for aging and chronically ill at-home patients.