m.Care – Providing Innovative Solutions for the Mental Health Crisis

Effective Virtual Care for Depression, Anxiety, Trauma, Addiction and More

America is experiencing exponential growth in the need for mental and behavioral health resources. The challenge is staggering, and m.Care is committed to helping fight the national crisis our country is seeing:

  • 15.35% of adults had a substance use disorder in the past year, 93.5% did not receive any treatment.
  • 16.39% of youth (age 12-17) report suffering from at least one major depressive episode in the past year.
  • 28.2% of all adults with a mental illness reported that they were not able to receive the treatment needed.¹

Statistics like these are predicted to grow over the coming years. The increase in substance abuse, depression, anxiety, PTSD, eating disorders, and a host of other issues are noted in all walks of life and, unfortunately, as detailed above, are largely untreated.

While remote patient monitoring (RPM) is being rapidly implemented by most healthcare facilities in the United States, the same cannot yet be said for behavioral health facilities. Hospitals have developed care plans for all types of acute conditions.

These care plans are designed to accomplish two equally important objectives: 1) eliminate or stabilize the condition, most frequently accomplished at an in-patient level, and 2) eliminate or restrict its reoccurrence, most frequently accomplished outside the four walls of a hospital.

The results being delivered by RPM are nothing short of astounding, and CMS has recognized that success by implementing new billing codes to reward healthcare facilities and professionals for achieving improved patient outcomes.

Why isn’t the same strategy being deployed in the behavior and mental illness arena? 

African American woman testing with her counselorHistorically, mental health issues went undiagnosed, were kept hidden by the individual and their families, or were resolved by restricted stays at treatment centers, with periodic checkups on the patient after discharge. If a relapse occurred, the patient was typically brought back to the treatment center.

These care plans, like those used in the hospital setting, can be equally as effective when used by a treatment center. They can eliminate and control the triggers for behavioral or mental health issues, and continue the care plan once the patient leaves the center, eliminating or minimizing relapse.

Learn more about how m.Care can help you:

  • Improve patient care
  • Lower your costs
  • Distinguish your services
  • Become more preemptive instead of reactive

Many patients who suffer from behavioral or mental health issues simply cannot afford an extended stay. So, why not offer an RPM care plan for those individuals?

Intensive counseling, medication management, peer group counseling sessions, mood analysis, and journaling are just a few of the effective tools that m.Care delivers. Together, these methodologies help eliminate and restrict the triggers that affect those with behavioral or mental health issues.

To make the whole situation even better, CMS is now offering billing codes to treatment centers and counseling/coaching professionals to offset these costs.

Help is on the way, and m.Care is ready to be an integral part of the solution.

Does your organization have an opportunity and need to provide quality virtual care to your client population? Please call us directly at 913.683.4015 to set up a demo of the m.Care platform technology and security. 

¹ Source: Mental Health America 

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Platform Features, Population Management Software, Remote Patient Monitoring, Technology
Mental health, Platform Features, Population Management Software, Remote Patient Engagement, Technology
Platform Features, Population Management Software, Technology