m.Care Provides the Technology to Monitor and Manage Your Concierge Client Population

Trusted by Elite Medical Companies

Scale Your Business. Provide Premium Care With Minimal Resource Requirements

Concierge services have significant opportunities to scale, but have struggled with the administration of monitoring and reporting. With m.Care you can scale your business with a technology-based solution.

Doctor and nurse review patient information on remote population management technology platform
Asian woman hand holding mobile phone and using application on smartphone

Predictive and Proactive Monitoring. Auto-Alert and Scheduling

m.Care allows you to monitor your population and alert them if a health situation warrants. Automated message reminders, education and scheduling, provide the resource equivalent of an additional team of experts at a fraction of the cost.

Doctor using a digital tablet on white background

Provide level of services characteristic of large hospitals

Use m.Care monitoring and predictive technology to provide unrivaled care and customer service, anytime and anywhere. Provide the same level of aftercare as major hospitals.

Businessman using m.Care tablet while traveling in back seat of car

Your clients stay connected with reminders, texts, and alerts

Patients feel connected with access to expert care just one click away. With customized reminders and alerts, your patients are empowered and more involved in their health.

Senior couple outside using m.Care tablet to speak with care team

Reduce readmissons, empower clients and save costs

m.Care enables you to monitor your patient's progress once they leave your facility. With the possibility of round-the-clock access, small issues are resolved, avoiding hospital admissions and recurring clinic visits.

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