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m.Care Case Study: Mercy Virtual

In 2015, Mercy Virtual Care in St. Louis set out on an ambitious program to dramatically update their client-interfacing technology, and to provide state-of-the-art at-home services for their more critical care patients. They set out to find the most capable and qualified technology partner to help them achieve their goals.

After interviewing and accessing a number of healthcare technology companies, Mercy Virtual chose m.Care. Three years later, thousands of patients have benefitted from reliable, modern, personalized care at home from their care team. Client satisfaction rates are over 96% while Mercy’s readmission rates have been reduced by 50% and care costs are lower by 34%.

Download this white paper to see how it happened.

“m.Care has partnered with Mercy Virtual from the beginning. Both their technology and their team have been instrumental in our growth and success. They provide the speed and ability to grow with us, and that is important to our ability to serve our patient population.”

Dr. Randall Moore, MD, MBA

President, Mercy Virtual

“When I helped found the world's first virtual hospital, I knew we needed the best technology available, and a team that understood virtual client and patient care. The choice was clear – m.Care provided both the expertise and the experienced team to power our success.”

Dr. Tom Hale, MD, PhD, MS

President, Virtual Care Solutions

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