Apple Watch Integration

To stay ahead of the curve in mobile and at-home health care, the m.Care® development team is proud to announce that the simple, secure, and reliable m.Care® platform is now available on the Apple Watch Series 4.

Apple Watch Health IntegrationNow patients can leverage the native ECG monitor, emergency voice commands, and fall detection that comes as a default with the Apple Watch Series 4, plus they can log their blood pressure, pulse oximetry, weight, and glucose measurements via Bluetooth integration with their at-home devices. If an unhealthy pattern is detected over time, the patient will receive a notification on any of their Apple devices, along with their health care team getting notified of the same alert.

Because of the small size of the watch, we incorporated voice commands that correspond with m.Care® unique and flexible features. This way the patient doesn’t have to tap and scroll on the watch face. Rather, they can just say, “for dinner I ate chicken breast and green beans”, or “tell my physician I feel sick”, or “log that I only slept three hours last night and feel tired”.

Learn more about how m.Care can help you:

  • Improve patient care
  • Lower your costs
  • Distinguish your services
  • Become more preemptive instead of reactive

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Platform Features, Population Management Software, Remote Patient Monitoring, Technology
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Platform Features, Population Management Software, Technology