Growing Your Virtual Care Program Through AI-Based Precision Patient Targeting

AI is already playing a significant role in the future of not just telehealth, but healthcare overall

Is AI a good or bad thing for the world of healthcare? 

Much of what we see/read today would caution us to question AI’s benefits, while others anticipate AI to be healthcare’s panacea, reaping advances in both improved outcomes and considerable revenue growth.

“AI is specified as the study of “intelligent agents” i.e., any representative or tool that can comprehend and grasp its environment and therefore draw relevant action to enhance its chances of reaching its purpose. Medicine has been determined from the beginning as one of AI’s most promising fields of application.” Precedence Research (

m.Care® is an early adopter of AI, incorporating it into our technology platform in the form of algorithms that examine patient data records to predict certain outcomes such as sepsis and asthma. These algorithms have proven invaluable, especially when applied to patients who only see a provider for diagnosis or annual check-up purposes. 

The ability to monitor a patient’s health from afar is now the industry standard, garnering support from healthcare systems, payors, and CMS alike. But despite the benefits of AI-powered data, both provider and payor virtual care programs have consistently struggled with one key element: how to incorporate and deliver it profitably. 

m.Care®, understood this challenge from the very beginning. We focused on measurable financial outcomes in addition to improved medical outcomes and efficient resource usage. For example, m.Care® has consistently produced over 50% reduction in readmission rates and associated readmission penalties for its healthcare system clients. 

However, one key challenge remained and needed to be solved. How could a provider analyze its diverse patient population to identify the optimum patients who will thrive – i.e., be a profitable program participants  – in a virtual care environment powered by robust technology and a lean but well trained care team? 

To provide that last missing piece of the virtual care puzzle for healthcare systems, LifeScience Technology developers built a new AI-model that allows AI to address those concerns outside of improved patient outcomes. We refer to it as Precision Patient Targeting, the proprietary function of their new Care.IQ™ service offering and it is powerfully effective.

Over the past ten years, LifeScience Technologies has watched its key clients achieve limited growth with their RPM programs to a point where meaningful ROI can be attained. Frequently, growth in the number of virtual care participants came only with a significant increase in clinical care professionals to support those participants. 

With healthcare labor costs now approaching nearly 30 cents of every dollar spent, true ROI seems increasingly difficult to achieve.  The key is identifying the optimum patients to enroll in their virtual care programs.  This became the weak link in their otherwise strong telehealth chain. Care.IQ was designed to address the issue of identifying the right patient at the right time, ones who need minimal clinical supervision, and also identified as eager participants. 

What is Care.IQ™

Care.IQ™ is powerful AI-based Precision Patient Targeting that identifies your optimal virtual care patients. It scores patient data and behavior characteristics, identifying individual patients most likely to engage and thrive under minimal clinical supervision, enabling scalable growth.


Precision Patient Targeting

Care.IQ™ identifies stable and manageable patient populations that allow you to reduce hospital readmissions, ER visits, and associated costs.

  • Tier 1: 10% Super Users. Highly Engaged & Predictable, Low Care Team Maintenance
  • Tier 2: 80% Average Engagement. Highly Engaged & Predictable, Average Care Team Maintenance
  • Tier 3: 10% Inactive. Moderately Engaged, Higher Care Team Maintenance, Unpredictable

The AI-Powered Technology Behind Care.IQ™

How it works – and the outcomes it produces.

How It Works

Step 1

Download our Care.IQ™ Analyzer Application. No internet is required to run this tool, ensuring all patient data never leaves your on-site security network or device.

Step 2

Drag and drop a CSV file into the Care.IQ™ Analyzer Application to get a report identifying your patient population Super Users.

How Care.IQ works

Summary of Benefits integrating Care.IQ™

  • Increase effectiveness of your Virtual Care program
  • Scale your virtual care population with the same resources
  • Capitalize on reduction in virtual care support costs
  • For ACO’s and MA programs, realize an immediate increase in revenue
  • Leverage your current virtual care platform, or with m.Care

The final missing link to a successful, profitable, virtual care program has arrived in the form of Care.IQ™ Precision

 Patient Targeting. It is a game changer for patients, providers, and payors. 

To learn more about Care.IQ™ and how it can help you identify the right patients for your virtual care program, please contact Steve Hendrix at 913.269.6452 or

Learn more about how m.Care can help you:

  • Improve patient care
  • Lower your costs
  • Distinguish your services
  • Become more preemptive instead of reactive

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Platform Features, Population Management Software, Remote Patient Monitoring, Technology
Mental health, Platform Features, Population Management Software, Remote Patient Engagement, Technology
Platform Features, Population Management Software, Technology